Ski Instructor Courses    Snowboard Instructor Courses


February has seen our groups in Sun Peaks Resort achieving Level 1 and level 2 ski/snowboard instructor qualifications. We also nipped to Revelstoke, where we literally skied and snowboarded above the clouds – Heliskiing is officially AWESOME! February has come to an end with some of the groups taking the CADS adaptive sports instructor course.

The 11 week instructor courses are now starting CSIA/CASI Level 2 training and the 18 week crew will begin training for Level 3 – we can’t wait to see what next March has to offer!

Music: Happy Alley by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (…)




2016CADSCanadaCasiCsiaSkiSki Instructor CourseSnowboardSnowboard Instructor CourseSun Peaks Resort